Are you struggling with financial stress?

Feelings of stress can leave anyone feeling tired and rundown. It is not unusual for stressful situations to have physical effects on a person’s health. If you are struggling with money problems and the stress from those issues is weighing you down, you may now be looking into your options for handling your financial concerns effectively.

Unfortunately, anyone in Tennessee and elsewhere of any income level could end up in a position where money gets tight. In fact, even if you are able to continue generating a steady income, you may still not have the means to pay your outstanding debt. It is important to remember that this type of ordeal is not something to feel ashamed of.

Are you experiencing these symptoms?

As mentioned, stress can manifest in ways that affect your mental and physical health. If you are experiencing any of these stress-related symptoms due to your money issues, you may want to consider taking action:

  • Feeling depressed
  • Losing or gaining weight unintentionally
  • Feeling anxious
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Isolating yourself from social situations
  • Having problems with your relationships
  • Suffering from headaches, stomach aches, high blood pressure and other ailments
  • Participating in unhealthy activities to get your mind off your money problems

Many people do not fully understand the extent to which financial issues could affect a person’s health. If you are struggling, it may be in your interests to reach out for support from friends, family or even a professional therapist.

How can you get back on track?

Fortunately, even if you are struggling to this extent, you have options for handling your outstanding debt liabilities. If you do generate a steady income and meet the other qualifications, Chapter 13 bankruptcy may help you get back on the right financial track. This type of bankruptcy allows you to work with the court and your creditors to come up with a payment plan to repay your balances on an extended schedule.

Chapter 13 differs from Chapter 7 bankruptcy because it does not involve liquidating your assets in order to pay off creditors. If this seems appealing to you, you may want to gain more information on Chapter 13, the qualifications, how it could help your situation and the steps you need to take to apply. Taking these simple steps to begin could start you on a path to less stress and more financial stability.


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our office location:

Richard Banks & Associates, P.C.

393 Broad Street Northwest
Cleveland, TN 37311
Toll Free: 866-596-8527
Phone: 423-244-0009
Fax: 423-478-1175
