Going through bankruptcy? Stop repossession of assets

In recent years, many Tennesseans have faced unemployment and other financial challenges. When this goes on for an extended period of time, it can force a person to file for bankruptcy. When a person is behind on vehicle payments, the next step is repossession. Nobody wants their car taken away, but fortunately, with quick action, there are ways to stop repossession and keep your car, TV, computer, appliances and other valuable possessions.

When unpaid bills pile up, you’ll likely start getting calls from collection agencies. When these are ignored, you’ll get a notice in the mail, and then another and another. The next step? Repossession. You try to catch up financially but to no avail. The threats become real, and one day the tow truck shows up to take away your car. What next?

If you act quickly, you may be able to keep your car, even up to the day of the repossession. In some cases, you may even be able to get your car back once it has been taken away. But, time is of the essence, so whether you are facing repossession of your car, motorcycle, truck, appliances or electronics, you need to think about seeking legal help or your beloved assets could be gone forever.

If you have filed for bankruptcy and now face repossession of your car or other valuable asset, call us immediately. It’s better to take care of the situation sooner rather than later. We have solutions to aid in your defense, but the longer you wait, the more challenging it will be to get your vehicle back.


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Richard Banks & Associates, P.C.

393 Broad Street Northwest
Cleveland, TN 37311
Toll Free: 866-596-8527
Phone: 423-244-0009
Fax: 423-478-1175
